Mit dem Projekt „Mein Aubing“ entstanden in drei Bauabschnitten insgesamt 325 Eigentumswohnungen und 18 Reihenhäuser im schönen Münchner Westen.
Der Stadtteil Aubing hat seinen eigenen, besonders vielseitigen Charakter. Wer hier lebt, muss sich nicht zwischen urbanem Kulturangebot und den Naturerlebnissen des Umlands entscheiden – man bekommt beides! Vom nahen S-Bahnhof Leienfelsstraße ist man in einer Viertelstunde am Münchner Hauptbahnhof, den Starnberger See erreicht man über Pasing in ungefähr einer halben Stunde.
Eingebettet in die angenehme, gewachsene Nachbarschaft, überzeugt „Mein Aubing“ durch helle, freundliche Fassaden, eine lebendige, abwechslungsreiche Gesamtgestaltung sowie üppige Grünflächen inkl. Kinderspielplatz und Renaturierungsfläche. Die Fertigstellung des Projektes „Mein Aubing“ erfolgte 2016.
Discover Munich anew:
“Mein Aubing 2” makes it possible.
The westernmost district of the city has its own unique and diverse character. By living here, you don’t have to choose between either an urbane cultural lifestyle or natural surroundings – you get both!
Strolling through the city, popping into the shops, attending an opera or theater performance, spending the evening at a concert or at the club: that’s the cosmopolitan side of “Mein Aubing 2”. The sporty, recreational side is characterized by the neighborhood’s fields, forests, lakes, and an endless supply of additional free time activities.
The neighborhood.
It’s comforting to know that the routine things in life can be quickly accomplished leaving more time for the more enjoyable things. The ideal location of “Mein Aubing 2” is just right for this.
Munich’s central train station is just 15 minutes from the Leienfelsstraße commuter train station, and you can get to Lake Starnberg via Pasing in around 30 minutes. The nearby recreational area in western Munich is the perfect destination for a short bike trip. For longer excursions, the A99 is just a few minutes’ drive away.
The vicinity:
Airy and sunny.
It is the large distances between buildings and the inviting and expansive open space layout that distinguishes the “Mein Aubing 2” ensemble. The individual condominiums are flooded with sunlight and the windows open up magnificent views to refreshing green scenery.
The distances:
- Approx. 300 m to the Aubing sports facility
- Approx. 100 m to the commuter train station Leienfelsstraße
- Approx. 15-minute drive to Munich Central Station
- Approx. 700 m to the discount store
- Approx. 1 km to Alt-Aubing and its historic village center
- Approx. 1.4 km to the playground
- Approx. 1.4 km to the indoor soccer facility
- Approx. 1.5 km to the center of Aubing, where there are several stores and establishments
- Approx. 3 km to Aubinger Lohe
- Approx. 3 km to the A99
- Approx. 4 km to the A8
- Approx. 5 km to the Pasing shopping center
In Munich’s 22nd district, Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied, there are:
- 45 physicians and therapists, including 20 general practitioners
- 21 dentists, including 1 orthodontist
- 11 pharmacies
- 31 child day care centers, serving approximately 1,669 children
- 7 elementary schools, 3 vocational schools
- Approx. 336 hectares of undeveloped recreational areas, including 23 hectares of sports facilities